Web/Desktop Aplication
Sign In
Just fill in some simple data or create an account with Google
Secure Paypal Payments
Credit your account directly in your client area through Paypal, without costs
Create Campaigns with Excel
Drag and Drop the Excel
Target your audience
Desktop OnlyWithout disclosing customer information
Program the Hour and Day of Delivery
Redirect your Public to your website, get Views of a Video or send Promotional Codes
Integrate with any Software and automate the sending of SMS according to events
Know whats Hapening with your Campaigns
Our Advantages versus our Felow Competitors
Right to be forgoten
Send Un-follow link only with a Click, and if it is the case we will prevent you from sending SMS again until your contact re-subscribes
Even if you have a mistake in managing Databases, no-follow user will not be bothered
Our Hashing algorithms ensure that your customers' data is anonymous
Right to ask to add or correct data
Do not repeat processes and waste time correcting data in various applications
Fix the data in your Excel and just Drag and Drop !
Databases Controlled by you
Do not risk a "Data Spill", do not give access to the data of your Customers
SMS Marketing Stats.
©2018 App SMS. All Rights Reserved.